Building a website


In this module about building website in companies, students will build/imitate in a preprogramed and protected school environment WordPress website for a company in the Netherlands. The students are given a tour of the company by the owner/client. The students have to translate a corporate identity/core values to a in a website based on the latest trends and developments. There are guest speakers who provide master classes. The students search and analyses trends, devises solutions for the website and build the imitate website in WordPress for the client.

The student works on the following questions from the client:

• What are the latest trends and developments in website design?

• What does the website (homepage, contact and 1 other page) look like based on the latest trends?

• Which keywords for the website are interesting?

The students work together with Dutch students but each build an individual website. In this way they can take personal preferences into account and show whether they can apply the trends they found/heard. The manual describes the contents of the program. Website hosting is not affected and must be arranged bij de teacher. For more information, please contact the responsible teacher.

Student manual

TitleWebsite building in companies
Learning outcomesAfter following this module, You are able to (skills) Communicate in EnglishAnalyse a complex problemCooperate with other students from another countryCooperate with students from another educational disciplinePerform an external analysisApply basic conversion optimalization on the websiteTranslate a corporate identity/core values into a websiteBuild a website based on cultural differences   You know more about: (knowledge) The field of (marketing, social care, etc)Creating contentEducation in another countryResearch into cultural differences in online sales?Know the basic techniques of WordPressKnow basis techniques of conversion optimization on the websiteTo translate an corporate identity/core values into a websiteKnow the influence of cultural difference in online sales   You gained (competences or attitude): An open mindMore courage to take actionOnline communication skills  
School: Responsible teacher: E-mail:Graafschap College Olaf Roerdink
School: Responsible teacher: E-mail:Graafschap College Marc Karnebeek

 Detailed program

Preparation (Virtual/at home)4 week online programme with student’s entire class
1 hour per week – with whole class(s) – can be recorded/shared[HN1]  Task 1: Exchange (via email or team chat) personal details with the other EU students (name, age, hobbies, studies, where you live etc). Icebreaker 1: (prior to first online meeting) Each student individually writes & shares a 6-word story (post in Teams) about themselves with 1 picture of an object, place or person that is meaningful or important to them Icebreaker 2: Using Teams, in allocated mixed groups, ask students to identify and list 3 things they have in common & name 1 thing unique to each student in the group (can be anonymous). Results can be shared (& saved) on Whiteboard   Task 2: In own country team, research 1 website of a company in the Netherlands, Ierland or Finland Task 3: present their findings from Task 2 (recorded) Task 4: For visiting students only:  
Week 1Physical visit to the Netherlands: Day 1, Icebreaker(s) in class Getting to know the class by doing introductiongames, for exampel Mentimeter or Mentimeter – including general questions such as favourite song, hobbies, part-time job etc. Interspersing these insights, if appropriate, during the module may help the student feel a greater sense of being ‘seen’ in the class and foster engagement.   The Dutch students present themselves and the region with a short introductions.   Day 2-5 Education programme, WordPress, website, corporate identity, Working with Canva Pro. Visiting the companies and education programme at school
Week 2    Physical visit to the Netherlands:   Day 1-4 Education programme, WordPress, website, corporate identity, Working with Canva Pro Day 5 Presentation of the website to the company
Evaluation    An evaluation of the website produced bij the students An evaluation of the participation in the project
Assignment 1Orientation
GoalDigital Introduction (pre-visit) over 4 weeks exploring the project
ActivitiesHave contact with the class abroad in a short online meeting via MSTeams.
Exchange (via email or team chat or recorded video) personal details with the other EU students (name, age, hobbies, studies, where you live etc). The student will be invited by the teachers. The teacher will briefly explain the purpose of the meeting. The student will receive instructions for the online meeting in advance. The student also hears which Dutch company he/she will be assigned to.
ResultThe students receive a presentation with last year’s results. The students are told which company they can build a website for. Then they briefly meet the students in the class.
AssignmentPresentation: Brief introduction to an Irish/Dutch/Finnish business/company (who they are, where are they located and what do they produce) (recorded) 
TheorySoft skills (presentation/communication)
Assignment 2Preparation
GoalStart with the project
ActivitiesRead the assignments Have contact with the class abroad (follow the lessons) Visiting the company Research into cultural differences in trends and developments in website design?
ResultHave contact with the class abroad (follow the lessons) Can write or name the latest trends and developments in website design? Research into cultural differences in trends and developments in website design? The student knows the company and the name the corporate identity / core values? The student makes a moodboard for the corporate identity / core values?
AssignmentPresenting the moodboard corporate identity / core values
TheorySearch for trends and developments Corporate identity / core values
Assignment 3Realisation
GoalDo student know what identity/core values are and can they apply them on the website
ActivitiesHave contact with the class abroad (follow the lessons) Can extract the corporate identity/core values from the companyvisit. Can draw the structure of the website on paper with three conversion optimizations
ResultA structure for a homepage, contactpage and other page The students motivate how the latest trends and developments in website design are integrated
AssignmentA test design of the website  
TheoryKey elements for a website How to start with a website
Assignment 4Realisation
GoalStart building a website and writing a blog about cultural differences in online sales?
ActivitiesHave contact with the class abroad (follow the lessons) Start building a homepage, contactpage and other page Create images in Canva Pro
ResultWriting a blog about cultural differences in online sales?
AssignmentIn the end with a rubrics
TheoryHow to build a homepage, contactpage and other page
Assignment 5Realisation
GoalStudents make a website with: Homepage, contactpage and 1 other page) Three basic conversion optimisation Translating the corporate identity / core values to the website
ActivitiesHave contact with the class abroad (follow the lessons) Create a website Guest speaker with information about conversion optimalisation Create images in Canva Pro
ResultStudents make a website with: Homepage, contactpage and 1 other page) Three basic conversion optimisation Translating the corporate identity / core values to the website Writing a blog about cultural differences in online sales?
Assignmentpresents the assignment to the client  
Assignment 6Evaluation of the project
GoalReflection on module
ActivitiesStudents will prepare a team reflection on their experience of the module, what they learned, what they liked and what were the challenges for them Students complete evaluation
AssignmentGroup/team presentation: Reflection/evaluation on experience (record)  
TheoryPersonal development, team formation stages, teamwork
Assignment 7Delivery/dissemination
GoalShare outcomes of the module with internal and external parties
ActivitiesEmployees portal, students portal, local press, sharing results in different teams, social media
ResultRaise awareness of programme availability